JTN Development

Brief Description
Create your .net Data Access layer in seconds, versus hours, days or even weeks.

SQLDataLayer is designed to script your Stored Procedures and optionally create the class objects necessary for any .net application that utilizes a Microsoft SQL backend database. Accelerating your development time, creating a consistent easily maintained Class object Library for your Data Access Layer.

Detailed Description Sample Output
Product Background
After evaluating many of the competitive products, some evaluations resulted in better results than others; development of this product began as a sole-source development tool, per the results of evaluating competitive products. This product was offered for evaluation to several developers during and after development. With ALL of their reviews being positive, it is now being offered as a commercially available product.


Microsoft SQL Versions
SQLDataLayer was initially developed for SQL2000, and has been tested with SQL 7.0, SQL2000 (8.0) and SQL2005 (9.0), SQL2008 (10.0)

Microsoft SQL
We offer a fully functional evaluation copy. The fully functional evaluation works with the NorthWind Database which is a sample Database provided by Microsoft. NorthWind is installed during installation of Microsfot SQL, NorthWind Sample Database. The evaluation copy will also function with your DataBases, but is limited to the two topmost tables of your database. Prior limitations of (local) database required has been removed.


Latest News
Initial release of version 1.0.
Tested functionality for SQL2005.

About this Site
This site is developed entirely in .net by JTNDevelopment. Nearly 100% of all the content on this site is Database driving, using MSSQL20008R2 and SQLDataLayer for creation of the Data Access Layer. If you would like us to build your Data Access Layer for you, please feel free to email us at Sales@SQLDataLayer.com. We also provide consulting services for complete web site development.

Currently working on an option to script the Class Objects to C#.
I've had multiple requests to allow scripting of the class objects to C#. Follow the forums post for updates, http://www.sqldatalayer.com/Forums/?P=33&F=16